
What role can nuclear energy play in Africa’s climate transition?

  Skip links Skip to Content LIVE OPINION OPINION, Opinions | Climate Crisis What role can nuclear energy play in Africa’s climate transition? African states should not be denied the opportunity to use nuclear energy, but it should be a solution of last resort. Olamide Samuel Arms control expert Published On 21 Nov 2021 21 Nov 2021 Electricity pylons carry power from Cape Town's Koeberg nuclear power plant on August 13, 2015 [File: Reuters/Mike Hutchings] I was following activist messaging and protests around the COP26 proceedings rather closely, with a particular focus on whether African interests are being fairly represented in discourse. As a nuclear policy analyst, I found COP26 remarkably interesting in many ways. Thanks to the relentless activism of nuclear disarmament organisations, there is a growing appreciation of the interlinkages between nuclear war and climate change as dire existential threats that require immediate attention. Both threats are “man-made”, and if unmit...

Ghana to fine airlines $3,500 for each unvaccinated passenger

  Skip links Skip to Content LIVE News | Coronavirus pandemic Ghana to fine airlines $3,500 for each unvaccinated passenger Air carriers will also be penalised for travellers who did not fill out health declaration form before boarding flight to Kotoka International Airport. The new penalties come a day after Ghana began requiring all passengers over the age of 18 to provide evidence of full vaccination against the virus [Francis Kokoroko/Reuters] Published On 14 Dec 2021 14 Dec 2021 Ghana has said it will fine airlines $3,500 for each passenger who arrives in the capital’s international airport without being fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Under new measures taking effect on Wednesday, air carriers will also be penalised the same amount for travellers who did not fill out a health declaration form before boarding their flight to Kotoka International Airport in Accra, the state-owned Ghana Airport Company said. KEEP READING list of 3 items Ghana opposition supporters march again...